Power of Colours 2


Hi everyone! You already know last week’s post topic. It was “Power of Colours”.  I could not mention some of colours. Because I did not want to be too long. Also, my friends liked this topic, so I wanted to write this topic again. Because of that the title of the post is “Power of Colours 2”.   Let’s start!


Green: Green is color of life, nature, energy and environment. The color green is relaxing and youthful. This color helps get rid of depression and nervousness. But too much green can cause people to become lazy, slow, moody and depressed. Also too little green can cause people to feel of apathy and fear of rejection.

Grey: In colour psychology, grey symbolizes neutrality and balance.  Its colour meaning likely comes from being between white and black. Also, some people think that grey symbolizes depression, but I do not agree with them. I love grey very much and when I see grey colour, I do not feel bad emotions, I feel happy. It is one of my favourite colours.

Black: In colour psychology, black’s colour meaning is symbolic of mystery, power, and elegance. Also, it symbolizes aloneness and death. black colour also increases concentration. But use it on your room wall can make you sad. If you want to use it, you have to think very well.

Yellow:  Yellow is the colour of happiness and optimism. It is an cheerful and energetic colours and it brings fun to the people.When you feel sad you can wear yellow clothes. I hope you feel better.  Yellow is the color of the mind, not the heart.

This is end of the my weekly post. See you in my next post!


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